It seems many suffer from headaches or migraines today. Our daily lives are typically very busy, working, going to school, running errands, and taking the kids to soccer practice, among a myriad of other tasks. We often don’t get a chance to relax and rejuvenate our body and mind. Why not make a commitment to […]
Tropical flowers are known for their breathtaking fragrance, perfect for a special perfume. Spice up your life with this exotic DIY recipe: How to Make Natural Perfume from Essential Oils, DIY Tips Using essential oils to make natural perfumes is fun and satisfying and makes great gifts. You will first need to make a base […]
It’s far too common to feel tired or exhausted all of the time—surely you’ve heard that America runs on Dunkin? What they’re really saying is that America runs on coffee, which isn’t entirely untrue. On average, a coffee drinker consumes 3.1 cups of coffee a day, and the United States spends 40 billion dollars on […]
Aroma lamps consist of a small container which, after filling with water and oils (typically 15-20 drops), is heated by a candle or, more popular recently, an electric heat source within the lamp (no fire hazard or replacing candles as they burn out!). As the water and oils are heated, an aromatic vapor is released […]
Dragging yourself out of bed in the morning is easier said than done. We’ve got just the thing to help your body rev up—DIY Wake Up Body salt scrub. Salt scrubs are a fabulous way to help with circulation and invigorating the skin, while removing bacteria and unclogging pores.* DIY Wake Up Body salt scrub […]
These natural perfume recipes are made from sweet, warm, spicy oils, some of which have been used as aphrodisiacs since ancient times. Mix up your perfumes and enhance your romantic evening with the one you love. How to Make Natural Perfume from Essential Oils, DIY Tips Using essential oils to make natural perfumes is fun […]
Citrus essential oils include orange (i.e. sweet orange), lemon, grapefruit, lime, blood orange, mandarin, tangerine, and bergamot. The smell of citrus fruits are uplifting, happy, and refreshing! They can help prevent colds/flu (support immunity), and also reduce nausea and stress.* Natural citrus air freshener recipes from essential oils are another beneficial use of citrus oils. […]
Sheen and luster are properties that we all would like to have in our hair! However, many commercial hair care products contain toxic ingredients or, at the least, ingredients that, over time, build up on the hair shaft, causing dry or oily hair — hair that lacks the sheen and luster we so desire. Massaging […]
First of all, arthritis begins with an inflammatory condition in the joints, with the main symptoms being joint pain and stiffness. There are several things that can cause arthritis including infection, trauma, degenerative changes, and also autoimmune disease. The definition above is a bit specific, as the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) uses […]
Thirty minutes soaking in a tub of warm water and a mixture of essential oils, in addition to being relaxing, can support your overall health.* Take the fast pace of the day and put it aside so you can rejuvenate your body and mind. It’s not selfish to carve out 30 minutes at least 3 […]
Earaches can be debilitating, and they aren’t just a problem for children—adults get earaches, too. Usually, adult earaches may accompany a cold or they may be a symptom of an inner ear infection. You might experience a dull, sharp, or burning pain with an earache from a cold, but it usually goes away on its […]