Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Body Mind Lotions Quiz

Body Mind Lotions Quiz: Which One is Right for You?how they work

Bio Source Naturals is founded by a Reiki Master, Naturopath (Natural Health Practitioner) who also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Lezlie Cebulski, ND, EFT-ADV, RM, has been innovative in combining plant oils, color and Reiki energy, pure essential oils and EFT to help support the healing of body, mind and spirit. In her holistic healing practice, she combines the physical application of essential oils, artisan gem elixirs and Bach flower essences on the body which corresponds to chakras and energy meridians.

She has been at the forefront combining essential oils and EFT Tapping and Reiki since 2005. In her holistic healing practice, kinesiology or muscle testing is used to determine the best body mind lotion for her clients.

By taking this quiz, you will be able to determine the most appropriate body mind lotion for you for emotional support.

Four Common Emotional Patterns

Open Heart

  • Do you fear rejection and failure? 
  • Are you disappointed? 
  • Do you have problems staying calm?
  • Are you heartbroken or fear rejection?
  • Is it difficult to trust others?
  • Have you had a recent job loss or career change?
  • Is it hard to muster up faith in God and in life?
  • Have you had a business failure?
  • Have you been divorced or separated in the past three years?
  • Have you recently been rejected by a loved one?

Courage & Clarity

  • Do you lack self-esteem?
  • Do you get afraid?
  • Do you have low self-esteem?
  • Do you lack confidence?
  • Do you worry about the future or have mood swings?
  • Do you attempt to “fix” people and their problems?
  • Do you have obsessive thought patterns?
  • Are you oversensitivity to criticism?
  • Do you have boundary issues?
  • Do you have codependent relationship patterns?


  • Are you easily angered? 
  • Feel emotionally and physically exhausted? 
  • Do you feel discontent in life? 
  • Are you in the middle of an angry divorce or custody battle?
  • Were you betrayed by someone in the past two years?
  • Do you feel guilt?
  • Do you feel bitterness?
  • Do you feel resentment?

Stress Relief

  • Do you carry stress in your neck and shoulders
  • Is it difficult to express yourself or feel truly heard? 
  • Do you often feel overwhelmed? 
  • Is it difficult to express yourself verbally?
  • Do others view you as distant? Are you shy?
  • Do you take on more than your “fair share” of work?
  • Is it hard to let go, relax and take a break?
  • Do you constantly work to improve yourself but are never satisfied or at peace?