Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Courage & Clarity Body-Mind Lotion Product Bulletin

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Product Details
UPC: 661799576512
Brand: Biosource Naturals

Courage & Clarity Body Mind Lotion 3.8 fl oz (112 ml)

EFT Script and Application Chart Included with Purchase

Solar Plexus
Spleen & Stomach
A clean, warm, and slightly citrus scented, organic, aloe lotion base with five original Bach flower essences body mapped for the solar plexus chakra. Also contains pure essential oils and gem elixirs made in the sun next to the peaceful, Great Lake Huron. Helpful to energetically release emotional patterns which include:

  • Depression and anxiety disorders
  • Panic
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of confidence
  • Obsessive thought patterns
  • Worry
  • Mood swings
  • Oversensitivity to criticism
  • Boundary issues and codependent relationship patterns
  • Digestive disorders

EFT Script Included with Purchase


Apply to left side under breast and on stomach above navel in the morning and before bed. Improvement of emotional patterns within one to two weeks is typical.

If used as directed, one bottle lasts 3 to 4 months. Up to two lotion products can be used per day.

Caution: Avoid use during pregnancy.


"Great service. Thank you." - B. Robinson

"It smells nice, and I do feel more clear about certain things that have been confusing me for a long time. I actually forgot that I was using it and attributed my new insight to God! LOL!" - K. Walton

"Recommended" - R.A.N.

"It smells nice and I do feel more clear about certain things that have been confusing me for a long time." - K.Walton

"I got this product for my wife, and she loves it." - P.S.

"Excellent product, came quickly." - DO

"I love This Company’s Products so far awesome.
This is yet another one that does what it says.
I felt after trying it I do get a positive outcome from it.
I hate to say it but all my Life I have had to deal with
worry, obsessive thought patterns.
It really drains me at times.
I felt at peace after using this.
I never dream't I could say those words!
It is not over powering either with its scents.
It was not to strong.
I like to put this on at night about an hour or so before Bedtime. I received free or discounted product in exchange for providing an unbiased review" - Skye

brand|Biosource Naturals|


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