Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Diffusing Essential Oils


Diffusing Essential Oils Benefits

Essential oils change our mood and help to relieve stress as the olfactory nerves interact with the limbic system in the brain which controls our stress responses. Smelling an essential oil, applying it topically to smell all day long, and diffusing them into the air are three ways to get the stress relieving benefits of essential oils.

Essential oils are different than synthetic fragrances as they are plant derived and do not contain the phthalates of synthetic fragrances — suspected of causing cancer.  Misting air fresheners containing phthalates into the air may be dangerous. Diffusing or misting essential oils which are plant based oils is much safer and healthier.

Browse through our essential oils which can be used for diffusing

Browse through our essential oil blends which can be used for diffusing

Essential Oil Diffuser Types

Atomizing Diffuser

The atomizing diffuser is the most effective way to disperse essential oils into the air for the purposes of aromatherapy. It is recommended for all diseases related to the lungs, the heart, the brain, and the blood. This type of diffuser projects tiny droplets into the air in the form of a mist. The ionized droplets remain suspended for several hours sanitizing and revitalizing the air. This is a similar process which naturally occurs in forests. Much research over the years has shown that the atomizing diffusion of essential oils is healing to respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, sore throats. It is important to respect the power of essential oils. Start with a low number of drops into an atomizing diffuser such as 4-6 and see if the scent is too little, too much or just right. Some people are more sensitive to scent than others which makes it difficult to have a guideline which will fit everyone.

Passive Reed Diffusers

Reeds typically made of rattan draw up essential oils which are placed into a pot and passively diffuse the odor into the air for aromatherapy. Start with a small amount of essential oil and dilute it in a recommended base to slow evaporation.


In order to refresh and sanitize a room, sprays can be effective. Although they are not as long lasting as an atomizing diffuser, they are simple to use and make aromatherapy.

Heat Diffusers

Essential oils can also be dispersed into the air through a heat source and then vaporized for aromatherapy. This method is not as efficient as cold diffusion which creates a therapeutic mist. Heat diffusers will typically need more essential oil than an atomizing mister. Start with a low number of drops into an atomizing diffuser such as 4-6 and see if the scent is too little, too much or just right. Some people are more sensitive to scent than others which makes it difficult to have a guideline which will fit everyone.
