Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Aromatherapy Products Related to Emotional Neurovascular Points

Helpful Biosource Naturals Aromatherapy for Neurovascular Points

Neurovascular Point Holding TechniquesNeurovascular Point Holding Techniques

If you haven’t heard of neurovascular point holding techniques, it is a way to influence your emotions in a positive way. Lightly holding neurovascular points on the head can influence emotions as each neurovascular point is associated with an energy meridian and emotion. The emotion and meridian points located on the head are connected to and impact the vascular systems, circulatory systems and nervous systems of the body.

Negative emotions such as worry, fear, anger, sadness can be lightened with this neurovascular holding techniques. You can read and study more about neurovascular points and available techniques at https://suehidalgo.com/brain-sync/.

If you are looking for aromatherapy to accompany neurovascular point holding techniques such as Brain Sync, Access Bars, Donna Eden’s work, below are Biosource Naturals’ aromatherapy products which pair with emotional neurovascular energy points. Apply or diffuse them prior to neurovascular point work to enhance results.

Neurovascular Points and Related Biosource Naturals Aromatherapy Products

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
