You may be similar to a lot of people, and like the concept of using essential oils. Yet, actually using them in your daily routine is quite another story. It seems like many are unsure how to incorporate them. Opposite to being a challenge to dispose of products you’re already familiar with, using essential oils […]
DIY peppermint lip scrub is quick and simple to make. The scrub exfoliates the skin on the lips, softening and moisturizing them. Also, it tastes delicious, and the peppermint essential oil really helps freshen your breath! Vanquish chapped lips forever and always have velvety smooth and kissable smackers! Simple To Make Lip Scrub We […]
Green cleaning with essential oils has many benefits. The easiest way to make sure that your home is clean, healthy, and safe is to use products you create yourself. Doing so is simple, cost-effective and, best of all, utilizes toxin-free ingredients (unlike the well-known, store-bought products). Up to now, your cleaning routine may not be […]
Back acne, commonly known as bacne, is a frustrating affliction that, unfortunately, is quite common. Due to the fact that the back is one area of the body that has the greatest density of pores, it makes sense that acne may thrive there. Therefore, DIY back acne “bacne” spray uses essential oils and other ingredients […]
Passivity is allowing others to do things to you without complaining or pushing back. When one consistently doesn’t air their grievances in order to “keep the peace,” the foundation for a passive personality is born. People who practice the art of passivity think that they’re outgoing and nice. They truly believe it’s a good thing, […]
Flea prevention means toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your best friend. Fortunately, DIY essential oil flea collar for your pet is not only inexpensive to make, but it really works! For our DIY essential oil flea collar using essential oils, we chose lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint essential oils for our blend thanks to their […]
We certainly are aware that earaches occur in children. Adults also get them, but the causes can be quite different. Typically, only one ear is affected, although having an earache in both ears is possible. Furthermore, the pain may be constant, or come and go. The pain of an earache may be dull, sharp, or […]
Bug bites are a huge pain in the summer—literally. While they are itchy and uncomfortable, bites from common bugs like mosquitoes, mites, and fleas are usually harmless. It’s important to identify what bit or stung you, however. Often, bites from fire ants, wasps, hornets, and bees may cause you intense pain or even an allergic […]
Riding in a moving vehicle, such as a plane, train, automobile, or boat, or perhaps rides at the amusement park, may cause nausea due to motion sickness. Rather than take prescription or over-the-counter drugs, why not try something natural, without the potential side effects? Essential Oils Calm the Queasies! Use aromatherapy for a wonderful, natural […]
Cold sores and fever blisters, both also known as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), or oral herpes, tend to pop up around the time of other viral infections, like a fever, or when the immune system is suppressed. Essential oils for cold sores and fever blisters can provide relief and help speed up the healing process.* […]
You can’t live without Lemon essential oil! It’s called the “sunshine oil,” and it sure smells like it. Refreshing, rejuvenating, and inspiring, lemon essential oil clears the mind and boosts energy.* 10 Uses for Lemon Essential Oil in the Kitchen 1. Disinfect* Lemon essential oil makes a great natural cleaner, and it smells amazing! Add to […]