The word, “performance,” can mean many things. We say that cars perform well. We also enjoy being entertained by dancers, actors and musicians (all performers). To assist you in doing better in most of your performances, try essential oil blends for increased performance.
It could be said that we perform daily and that we often strive to perform better. Performing well gives us confidence, raises our self-esteem, and enables us to hone our skills and to, hopefully, experience continuous improvement.
While essential oils will not make you magically perform better, they can promote confidence and assist you to perform to your maximum potential.* This could mean improved job performance or becoming a better parent. In fact, professional performers use essential oils to feel confident, assured, and to eliminate stage fright!
Performance Blend 1
Helichrysum: 8 drops
Geranium: 12 drops
Bergamot: 10 drops
Performance Blend 2
Frankincense: 4 drops
Cypress: 8 drops
Lemon: 10 drops
Mix the individual oils in each recipe into your chosen carrier oil and massage into your skin. You can also diffuse the mix, or add to your bathwater.
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Fragrant Mind, New World Library, 1996
Also check out our Reiki sprays for mind/emotions that may also be helpful to increase your daily performances, whatever they are!*
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.