Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

The Healing Power of Essential Oils for Acne

The Healing Power of Essential Oils for Acne

Acne is painful, frustrating, and often stubborn. Because it is caused by many things, from hormones to diet, several lifestyle changes can be made to control orThe Healing Power of Essential Oils for Acne diminish it.

Probably one of the most beneficial things you can do is add the healing power of essential oils for acne, combined with lifestyle changes.*

First of all, acne can be caused by an overproduction of sebum, which helps protect the skin. Acne can also be caused by a poor or unbalanced diet, an imbalance of hormones (birth control pills can often cause (or reduce) acne), or alcohol and cigarettes.

Therefore, if you struggle with acne, you should be sure to clean your skin carefully, avoid greasy foods, and get plenty of exercise (preferably outdoors!).

The healing power of essential oils for acne should not be ignored, as there are several individual oils, as well as acne treatment blends you can make, that are effective in addressing sebum imbalance and controlling or diminishing acne.*

Please remember that essential oils should not exceed 2% of the carrier oil/essential oil mixture.

Lavender Spot Treatment

Lavender essential oil is one of the few that you can apply directly to the skin. Yet, it’s still wise to be careful, since neat oils can cause allergic reactions.* Add lavender essential oil to a cotton ball and apply sparingly at night. Continue until the mark/spot has disappeared.

Day and Night Facial Treatment Routine 

You can use essential oil facial treatments to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and help correct sebum imbalance.*

Valerie Ann Worwood’s, “The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy” suggests a 14-day routine.

Most noteworthy is to use pure soap only for your night routine. Rinse your face and neck with warm tap water at least 25 times. And in the final rinse, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then pat your skin dry. After you cleanse, apply Night Treatment Blend (ingredients below).

Furthermore, apply the Day Treatment Blend the next day (ingredients below). Let the oils soak into your skin for five minutes, then dab off the excess. Most of all, don’t wear any other makeup on your skin for fourteen days.

Night Treatment Blend*
10 drops Palmarosa
10 drops Rose
5 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Myrrh
2 tablespoons carrier oil of choice

Day Treatment Blend*
30 drops Carrot Seed
10 drops Blue Chamomile
10 drops Palmarosa
7 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Yarrow
3 drops Myrrh
2 tablespoons carrier oil of choice (we prefer almond oil)

Individual Oils for Acne*
Finally, if you prefer to make your own blends, here is our favorite oils for acne:

To learn more about essential oils for acne, go here.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.


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