Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Essential Oils Can Help Brain Injuries

Essential Oils Can Help Brain Injuries

Essential Oils Can Help Brain InjuriesYour emotions are stored via cellular memory in the body through your organs, glands, and systems. And, according to traditional Ayurvedic (Indian) and Chinese medicine, feelings are taken in through energy centers or chakras, and then fed into the meridian system.

First of all, each part of your body and your emotions have a particular vibration. Due to the vibrational properties of essential oils, they can help brain injuries by transferring their very high energy frequencies to the body.

How Do Essential Oils Help?

When you inhale essential oils, they go straight to your brain. Because your limbic system is connected to parts of your brain, essential oils can travel straight through nasal passages to the limbic brain. Due to this, essential oils are a very powerful tool, and therefore useful to benefit many health issues.*

In fact, inhaling certain essential oils can help brain injuries by causing a significant increase of oxygen to your brain. This could have a big impact on emotions, learning, hormone balance, energy levels, and the immune system.*

A study in 2012 proved that “inhaling lavender oil caused significant decreases of blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature.” In terms of mood responses, the subjects in the lavender oil group categorized themselves as more active, fresher, and more relaxed than subjects just inhaling base oil.” It also increased the power of theta and alpha brain activities.

Whether they are diffused or inhaled directly from the bottle, essential oils can provide many benefits to the human body. These benefits come without side effects, unlike most of modern medicine.* Oils are currently being evaluated for brain injury treatments and much more!

Frankincense Essential Oil 

When it comes to healing your body, the brain is the most complex organ. Brain injuries tend to heal slowly (if at all), and Frankincense essential oil can help by bringing much oxygen to your brain.* This, in turn, aids healing.

Essential oils can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, penetrate the skin, follow nerve pathways, follow body meridians, and prove balance and healing, even when it comes to cellular memory!*

Frankincense is just one example of how essential oils can help brain injuries. Although essential oils are not miracle cures, frankincense has been traditionally used to heal various health issues and illnesses.* It has also been renowned for many healing properties in the current day, from increasing oxygen to the brain to having sedative-type properties.* 

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.



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