Passivity is allowing others to do things to you without complaining or pushing back. When one consistently doesn’t air their grievances in order to “keep the peace,” the foundation for a passive personality is born.
People who practice the art of passivity think that they’re outgoing and nice. They truly believe it’s a good thing, as confrontations and conflicts are typically avoided when dealing with passive individuals.
However, the sad or angry feelings that hide beneath the calm and easygoing exterior of the passive personality do not dissolve. Rather, the passive person suppresses them, and suppressed feelings rise again in the future — this time as resentment. Eventually, the once passive person now transforms into someone who exhibits passive-aggressive behavior.
Passive individuals can end up with anger that rears its ugly head unexpectedly when resentment builds too high and something has to give. Passivity can cause frustration, stress, tension, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, loneliness, anger, and depression.
If you believe your passivity is contributing to negative feelings about yourself or others, it’s best to research ways to become more assertive and begin practicing them regularly. Ignoring resentment and anger are futile attempts to make them go away!
Essential oils for passivity can help you overcome passivity and encourage you to be more assertive and confident.*
We recommend the following essential oils for passivity:
Cedarwood, Jasmine, Orange, Bay Leaf, Ylang Ylang, Black Pine, and Patchouli.
We recommend these DIY essential oil blends for passivity:
Blend for Passivity 1
10 drops of orange
5 drops of patchouli
5 drops of jasmine
Blend for Passivity 2
8 drops of jasmine
5 drops of cedarwood
7 drops of ylang ylang
5 drops of bay leaf
If the above blends are too much for your budget, we recommend the following blend:
Blend for Passivity 3
10 drops of patchouli
5 drops of ylang ylang
5 drops of bay leaf
5 drops of orange
5 drops of cedarwood
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Fragrant Mind, New World Library, 1996
Also check out our Courage and Clarity Lotion, an aromatherapy blend that also helps with passivity issues.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.