First of all, high blood pressure (and hypertension) is a condition that often has no specific cause. With high blood pressure, the diameter of blood vessels in the body are made smaller by muscle contractions. Therefore, if, in your blood pressure, the systolic pressure (top number) is 140 or higher and the diastolic pressure (bottom number) is 90 or higher, you have high blood pressure.
Maybe high blood pressure is not necessarily a death sentence. Yet a lot of complications can arise from it, like strokes, angina, and thrombosis.
High blood pressure can also cause hardening of your arteries and loss of elasticity. And in very bad cases, you may have heart failure and kidney disease.
Because causes are still unclear, treatment can be limited.
Probably the best way to keep your blood pressure intact is to have it checked regularly. Especially relevant is that anyone who struggles with high blood pressure should regulate their stress, slow down on activities, and consider diet changes.
Additionally, aromatherapy helps against stress, which can, in turn, help lower your blood pressure. As a result, essential oils are a beneficial tool you can use.*
In conclusion, here’s a list of our preferred essential oils that can help lower your blood pressure:
Essential Oils for Hypertension*
Ylang Ylang
Clary Sage
Massage Blend for Hypertension
5 drops hyssop
10 drops marjoram
15 drops geranium
2 tablespoons carrier oil
Bath Blend for Hypertension
15 drops marjoram
10 drops geranium
5 drops lavender
Blend together and use 4 drops of the blend in a warm bath.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
Go here to learn more about how essential oils may support high blood pressure symptoms.