Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

The Father of Aromatherapy & the Miracles of Lavender

The Father of Aromatherapy & the Miracles of Lavender

We all know that Lavender oil is healing and is also useful in helping with all kinds of maladies.* Can’t sleep? Try Lavender oil. Burnt yourself? Use Lavender oil. Have acne? Lavender oil may help! Let’s back up some and learn about René-Maurice Gattefossé, the Father of Aromatherapy & the miracles of Lavender.


The Father of Aromatherapy & the Miracles of LavenderIn 1910, the French chemist and scholar burned his hand badly during an experiment while working in a perfumery. Upon burning himself, he plunged his hand into the nearest vat of liquid—that vat happened to be Lavender essential oil.

Later, he was shocked and amazed at how his burn healed rapidly and with very little scarring. This accident began a fascination with essential oils, and he went on to do much experimenting with them, including with soldiers during World War I. Many say that Gattefossé is the Father of Aromatherapy.

Despite little being known about him, Gattefossé wrote several books on essential oils citing them as cures for skin cancer, facial ulcers, and even black widow spider bites. His books are very scientific and show what many essential oils can do. Gattefossé also spent many years helping develop sound cultivation and distillation methods for Lavender, as he was aware of the harsh living conditions of Lavender farmers in the South of France.

Though aromatherapy would have surely been discovered at some point without him, we give our gratitude to Gattefossé for discovering and documenting Lavender essential oil’s incredible properties!

Lavender Essential Oil

The Father of Aromatherapy & the Miracles of LavenderLavender essential oil is a “miracle oil.” According to multiple studies done (see sources below), Lavender is calming, soothing, and has sedative effects when inhaled. Lavender also helps with insomnia, hair loss, anxiety, stress, pain, burns, skin conditions, eczema, acne, headaches, exhaustion, and more!*

Lavender is an absolute must-have in your medicine cabinet! We have it available in many convenient forms, like Lavender Hydrosol Spray. We also have other one-of-a-kind products – try our Sweet Dreams and Breathe Clearly blends and Lavender Kissable Massage Oil.

Of course, you can also purchase Bio Source Naturals lavender in its most concentrated form – an undiluted, pure essential oil. In addition to different size bottles, we also have a convenient roll on.

Purchase the above products and other products containing lavender, below!


*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

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