Losing weight is often difficult and frustrating. Thankfully, you can use aromatherapy with lemon and peppermint essential oils for weight loss.
Lemons contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, so it’s only logical that lemon essential oil contains the same, and perhaps more powerful, properties! It helps cleanse toxins from the body, which makes it ideal for weight loss.*
Peppermint essential oil is an effective partner for lemon. It improves digestion and helps control cravings.*
Lemon essential oil will increase energy levels, cleanse the body, raise the mood, bring joy, fight cellulite, and assist weight loss.* The scent alone of these two oils will actually help reduce appetite.* Since peppermint is a digestive aid, it helps with upset stomach and other digestive issues.* But peppermint also helps to clear and release emotions of failure and restriction, both of which can be issues for those who struggle with weight loss.*
Breathe in one oil at a time, or a mixture of both, before a meal to prevent overeating and stop cravings.* The blend is also helpful for those who struggle with stress eating and other eating disorders.*
Weight Loss Essential Oil Blend
Bio Source Naturals has a pre-made blend for those looking to lose weight and reduce cellulite – our Weight Loss Blend. Check it out—it might just be the thing that accelerates your weight loss efforts!
How to Use Oils for Weight Loss:*
For more information on essential oils to support weight loss and appetite control visit here.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.