Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Spicy Essential Oil Natural Perfumes

Spicy Essential Oil Natural Perfumes

Spicy Essential Oil Natural PerfumesWhat comes to mind when you think of the word “spice?” Do you have thoughts of cinnamon and clove and think of the holidays? Or do you think of red hot chilis and your favorite Thai noodle dish?

What does being “spicy” mean to you? Are you a spicy person?

Why Do Some People LOVE Spicy…and Others Don’t?

Consequently, capsaicin and jalapeno peppers often come to mind when we’re talking “spicy.” Some interesting studies exist about people who eat really spicy food. Yes, upbringing and culture may have something to do with the fact that your friend likes her chili extra hot, but you prefer a step below mild.

However, one study found that people who love spicy foods have a personality that indicates they have a “sensation seeking” personality. So, it’s not that people who love spicy food just don’t feel the burn like someone who can’t handle it. Rather, it’s that they seek out sensations, and eating spicy foods is just one way they experience sensations in their lives!

You Can Like a Spicy Scent Without Feeling the Burn!

Even if you’re not a “sensation seeker” and don’t like spicy foods, you can still enjoy the scent of spice, which can make you feel awake, alert, alive – and maybe even a little sexy and rebellious!

Use spicy essential oil natural perfumes to put some spiciness in your day, without having to feel the burn!

Spicy Essential Oil Natural Perfumes

Try these spicy DIY blends to add some spice in your life! Notice that the recipes include sweeter essential oils, such as Vanilla, Sweet Orange, Bergamot, and Rose to provide the perfect balance for the spicy oils, such as Cinnamon and Clove Bud.Spicy Essential Oil Natural Perfumes

Spice Orange

Put the alcohol in a dark glass bottle and add the essential oils. Cover tightly and gently shake. Allow blend to sit for 2-6 weeks, then enjoy the fragrance!


This blend is great mixed in a roller bottle. Make a larger quantity to keep in the bottle if you like the scent after mixing the first batch made with the original recipe.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.