Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Blog & DIY Recipes

Alternative Support for Anxiety Essential Oil Blend

Xanax is prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication. It’s also often prescribed for insomnia or other conditions that doctors don’t know how to effectively treat. This pharmaceutical drug belongs to a family of drugs called benzodiazepines. Xanax users experience a calm, sleepy feeling when taking the drug. So, Xanax is the 9th best selling drug in […]

Essential Oils for Improving Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is one of the most prevalent chronic pain disorders, affecting a significant portion of the population. Current estimates suggest that approximately 2 to 4 percent of individuals in the U.S. are impacted by this condition, translating to about 6 to 12 million people. This makes fibromyalgia a substantial public health concern that deserves greater […]

Essential Oil Blend to Firm Sagging Skin

Oh, to be young and have firm, taut skin again! However, once you’re middle-aged, there are some things, like the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years, that you wouldn’t trade for anything! Regardless, what if you knew a few simple, natural, and safe ways to combat the saggy-skinned areas of your body that could use […]

How to Use the Law of Attraction & Essential Oils

Video Below How to Use the Law of Attraction & Essential Oils You’re listening to the Law of Attraction radio network. The secret to well-being is discovering the power that is your birthright, the power to create a happier, healthier life drawn from our own vast internal resources. Join Jewels and her guests as they […]

Epigenetics, Emotional Healing Support with Essential Oils and Tapping

The video follows the article. Epigenetics, Emotional Healing Support with Essential Oils and Tapping discussed by Lezlie Cebulski, ND, EFT, RMT Hi everybody, this is Lezlie Cebulski, founder of BioSource Naturals, naturopath aromatherapist, Reiki Master teacher and emotional freedom techniques practitioner. Today, I want to talk briefly about the concept of epigenetics and how trauma […]

Plant Parts Determine the Purpose of an Essential Oil

Just as our human bodies have various parts that serve different purposes, plants do, too. Your legs and feet help you stand, balance, and move to different places. But your arms and hands don’t serve that purpose. Rather, they help hold and grasp things and can perform the most detailed of tasks. A useful example […]

Essential Oil Conversions

If you’re like me, you might be really excited to get to work making some fun (and functional) DIY recipes with essential oils from the Bio Source Naturals site. But you might also be like me and forget to have everything you need to make your concoctions. First of all, what you’ll discover from the […]

The Chemistry of Essential Oils

Essential oils smell incredible, but they are so much more than their pleasing aromas! If you’re like me, you may have initially become interested in essential oils because of their aromas, as well as their healing, therapeutic qualities. However, additionally, I discovered  an exciting new world as I learned about the chemistry of essential oils. It […]

Essential Oils for Happiness and Joy

Essential oils for happiness and joy, like lemon, are cheerful and pleasant. They help us when we’re in a bad mood.* But there’s more! All citrus oils support the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus is located around the navel and up to the breastbone. The solar plexus is an area of energy that is […]

Top 5 Essential Oils for Meditation

Essential oils for meditation are proven to be incredibly beneficial (check out the science behind it). First of all, they boost your health, happiness, and productivity.* This includes your mental health, too. So, if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, meditation can definitely help! The hard part behind meditating, however, is the meditating part! Since […]

Essential Oils for Arthritis Pain and Carpal Tunnel

Since essential oils for arthritis pain and carpal tunnel are directly absorbed into the bloodstream, the topical application of essential oils is very effective for arthritis and carpal tunnel pain. Many essential oils are used to help with pain.* Some essential oils contain COX-2 chemical inhibitors—a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug. This chemical targets the COX-2, an enzyme […]