DIY bath blends with essential oils for colds will not only ease symptoms, but can prevent your cold from escalating into something even worse.
So when you feel a cold coming on, acting immediately can reduce the time your body spends fighting it off. Taking vitamin C, a shot of apple cider vinegar, or your special sick-time tea are all ways to confront colds head-on. Adding the use of essential oils can add that extra BANG that’s needed to strengthen your immune system.
Try out these bath blends,** designed to clear the sinuses and ease muscular soreness.*
Note: Before trying these blends, apply a small patch to the inside of the arm to ensure that there are no negative skin reactions.
Add the following blend of oils to a tub full of warm water and mix well. For a refreshing inhalant, add the blend to a simmer pot and place in a sick room (pay attention to the water level). This blend can also be used as a massage oil: add to 0.5 oz base oil and massage onto the chest.
Here’s another great bath blend for colds:
Add the following blend of oils to a tub full of warm water and mix well. For a refreshing inhalant, add this blend to a ceramic, candle-warmed simmer pot full of water (be sure that this mixture is not too hot). Breathe deeply, and relax.
These DIY bath blends with essential oils for colds can be used three times a day, 4 to 6 hours apart.
**Recipe from The Essential Oils Book: Creating Personal Blends for Mind & Body by Colleen K. Dodt
Also, check out our Breathe Clearly Essential Oil Blend aromatherapy support for congestion.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.