Oh, to be young and have firm, taut skin again! However, once you’re middle-aged, there are some things, like the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years, that you wouldn’t trade for anything!
Regardless, what if you knew a few simple, natural, and safe ways to combat the saggy-skinned areas of your body that could use a bit of touching up? I knew you would be interested!
Essential oils to the rescue – again! They just somehow seem to be the answer to many of our health challenges, both inside and out.
Here are two amazing essential oil blends to help tighten up those loose areas of your body, such as your thighs, buttocks, stomach, and upper arms. Remember, consistency is key; applying the blend only once, or infrequently, will probably not get you the results you desire.
3 drops Tangerine
3 drops Cypress
Mix the above essential oils into a teaspoon of carrier oil, such as almond or grapeseed oil. Rub mixture into desired areas of your body, once daily.
8 drops Patchouli
5 drops Cypress
5 drops Geranium
1 drop Sandalwood
Again, mix the above essential oils into a teaspoon of carrier oil of your choice. Rub the essential oil blend to firm sagging skin into the desired areas of your body before retiring each night and let it do its magic while you slumber!
Make a larger quantity of each mixture, say 3-6 recipes of each blend, and keep them in sealed 2-ounce dark glass bottles with airtight lids so the mixtures are ready to use each day. Better yet, put the mixtures into roller bottles for ease of application on the skin!
Also, remember to drink lots of water and eat your veggies and fruits (preferably organic). Eating healthy will not only help the inside of your body, but it will also have a positive effect on your skin and help it look radiant!
Detoxing your body can play an important role in how your skin looks, too, so making sure you are eliminating regularly is important. Check out our blog article about essential oils to help with constipation to help with your detox efforts.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.