Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Essential Oils for Hair Loss and Hair Growth

Essential Oils for Hair Loss and Hair Growth

Essential Oils for Hair Loss and Hair GrowthSeveral essential oils for hair loss and hair growth are available in the Bio Source Naturals’ store to help this common challenge.

There are many causes for hair loss: stress, nutritional deficiencies, and medical disorders such as alopecia areata (causes rapid, premature hair loss or hair falling). Genetics also play a role in hair loss, according to MayoClinic.com.

Some essential oils stimulate new hair growth if the follicle is alive and may prevent further hair loss in some individuals.* Therefore, essential oils are just one tool to use that may be beneficial for your hair challenges.

Essential Oils for Hair Loss and Growth

Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender and Cedarwood are essential oils which stimulate the scalp to promote hair growth.*

Add Rosemary or Peppermint to shampoos or conditioners; or massage into your scalp (diluted in Almond oil) to promote hair growth.*

Peppermint oil also prevents and treats itchy scalp conditions, such as dandruff, according to The Complete Book of Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood.

Hair Loss Related to Physical and Emotional Stress

Lavender essential oil is useful for hair loss because it is an energy balancer and the most universal essential oil used for a variety of physical and mental health issues.* It has been used throughout history to treat anxiety, depression, stress, headaches, nervous tension and hair loss.

Lavender blends well with Rosemary, and when diluted with a carrier oil can be massaged into the scalp. Or, you can add to your favorite conditioner to prevent hair loss.*

Cedarwood essential oil helps stimulate the pituitary, hypothalamus and thyroid glands.* Lack of function of these glands can trigger hair loss. If the function of these glands is less than optimal, Cedarwood essential oil may help.*

Other Essential Oils for Hair Loss and Growth 

There are other essential oils for hair loss and hair growth, such as Clary Sage, which is useful for menopausal hair loss.* Cypress, Lemon, and Thyme are also recommended, according to Worwood.

Bio Source Naturals’ Hair Loss Helper contains Rosemary, Lavender, Cedarwood and Thyme. This all-purpose hair loss prevention blend is a follicle and scalp cleaner; and a hormone balancer.*

Check out our other articles on this site about hair loss, hair growth and circulation and hair growth.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.




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