Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Essential Oils for 5 Types of Fatigue

Essential Oils for 5 Types of Fatigue

Essential Oils for 5 Types of Fatigue

It’s far too common to feel tired or exhausted all of the time—surely you’ve heard that America runs on Dunkin? What they’re really saying is that America runs on coffee, which isn’t entirely untrue.  On average, a coffee drinker consumes 3.1 cups of coffee a day, and the United States spends 40 billion dollars on coffee per year.

We continuously push ourselves—staying up late to finish homework or a work project; watching one last episode on Netflix; just five more minutes of Tumblr. Maybe it’s depression or anxiety that is causing the nonstop fatigue in your life, or perhaps a physiological reason is the culprit (low blood pressure, thyroid issues, anemic, arthritis, etc.).

Do you know the cause of your exhaustion or constant fatigue? Knowing the reason makes it that much easier to asses how to stop it, and essential oils have long been known to help remedy fatigue.* Check out some of our essential oil recommendations, below.

Essential Oils for 5 Types of Fatigue 

1. Overall Exhaustion*
Bergamot, black pepper, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, marjoram, pine, and rosemary essential oils.

2. Nervous Exhaustion*
Clary sage, juniper, lavender, marjoram, neroli, orange, roman chamomile, and rosemary essential oils.

3. Mental Fatigue*
Basil, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, petitgrain, and rosemary essential oils.

4. Intellectual Fatigue*
Basil, black pepper, cypress, grapefruit, ginger, lemon, peppermint, and rosemary essential oils.

5. Fatigue/Exhaustion from Lack of Sleep*
Sweet Dreams Essential Oil Blend.

Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Fragrant Mind, New World Library, 1996

See our full line of luscious massage oils here. They’ll help you relax so you can get the sleep you need!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.


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