Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Help Asthma With Essential Oils

Help Asthma With Essential Oils

Help Asthma With Essential OilsHelp asthma with essential oils for aromatic relief!* Asthma can be debilitating, irritating, and often chronic. It can put a damper on your quality of life. During an attack, stale air can’t be exhaled due to the inflammation of bronchial passages or clogged bronchial passages. Inhalers and other medications can ease asthma symptoms—but you should find the trigger to address the source. You may address your asthma differently, depending on the source of your attacks.

Asthma, a common type of inflammation that reoccurs, can be caused by many things from allergies to stress to exercise. It has a variety of symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and more. Air passageways can become inflamed and it is difficult to get the amount of air needed. Inhalers and other techniques can help you quickly open air passageways for quick relief. Though you may need to use an inhaler (always follow your physician’s instructions), essential oils are a beneficial, slow, monitored approach to determine the root cause, triggers, and potential asthma remedies.* Therefore, you can usually help asthma with essential oils.*

Best Essential Oils for Asthma

You can help asthma with essential oils of Lavender, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Bergamot, Frankincense, and Breathe Clearly Essential Oil Blend.*

Lavender, one of the best for asthma attacks, can even be used during an attack. Inhaling steam or the scent will help to open airways and reduce inflammation, while also relaxing lung spasms.*

Lemon and Peppermint are also effective oils to use during an attack. Lemon even helps dissipate any panic due to its relaxing properties. Using lemon regularly will also help reduce asthma attacks. Peppermint can help with a headache or nausea that accompanies an attack.*

Bergamot is ideal for preventing asthma attacks. Rub on the bottoms of feet to avoid stress or a triggered attack.*

Frankincense is also helpful in preventing attacks.*

A great option for those with asthma is to get a massage with essential oils.* Use a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, or almond, and add a few drops of essential oils into the carrier oil. Massage the mixed oil over the upper back. Start with lavender and then use eucalyptus.

Also, try to find out what’s triggering your asthma. If it’s allergies, then lavender, peppermint, or lemon are good choices.* If it’s exercise, peppermint will help to keep your passageways open.*

Experiment slowly and carefully, and figure out what works best for you, your asthma, and your body.

Breathe Clearly Essential Oil Blend

Though many use the Breathe Clearly Essential Oil Blend for congestion and colds, it is also effective against asthma attacks.* Breathe Clearly contains Eucalyptus (a decongestant), Lime (clears the mind and has antiseptic properties), Lavender (relaxes air passages), and Pine (increases circulation).

Read here for more information about essential oils and how they may help support asthma symptoms.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.



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