Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

DIY Carpet Freshener Recipes with Essential Oils

DIY Carpet Freshener Recipes with Essential Oils

DIY Carpet Freshener Recipes with Essential OilsWe hear so much about toxins these days, as the toxic ingredients in most of the products we’ve faithfully used in the past are now being exposed. First of all, this is a good thing, as knowledge is power! Due to possessing this knowledge, however, now what options do we have for using non-toxic products?

Especially relevant is an article written by Selena Keegan titled, “Toxins in our homes: carpeting, carpet cleaners and vacuums” (September 11, 2013; www.naturalnews.com). In the article, she writes: “Cleaning your carpets with carpet cleaning products actually has more potential dangers than vacuuming. Commercial carpet shampoos often contain highly toxic substances like perchlorethylene and ammonium hydroxide. The former is a known carcinogen which can damage the liver, kidneys, and nervous system while the latter is a corrosive which can irritate eyes, skin, and respiratory passages.”

Consequently, an obvious non-toxic solution is what people are looking for, and that’s why we’re sharing these 5 DIY carpet freshener recipes with essential oils. Therefore, we call our recipes “carpet fresheners” because that’s what many of us are searching for — a clean, fresh scent in our home as opposed to stale, musty, or pet smells. Additionally, we don’t want to mask the odor, but truly eliminate it.

Essential oils are very powerful, and actually do have the ability to eliminate odors, rather than simply mask them. You could also refer to these recipes as “cleaners,” in that the essential oils used in the recipes have many cleaning-type properties, including being antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and disinfecting.*

Recipes to Freshen Your Carpet and Make Your Home Healthier

Besides freshening (and cleaning) your carpets, using these DIY carpet freshener recipes with essential oils could also have the side effect of making your home healthier for you and your loved ones, too!*

So to make the recipes below, simply add all the ingredients to a widemouthed glass jar, mix well, put the cap on and let stand for 24 hours.  Finally, sprinkle the powder over the carpeting and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before vacuuming.

Recipe #1


Recipe #2


          Recipe #3


Recipe #4


Recipe #5

Recipes from Carol & David Schiller, 500 Formulas for Aromatherapy, 1994

See our natural hand sanitizers here.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.



One Comment

  • Gloria Jochims says:

    I am still do more research to find truly safety for pets which we do have vase-glass ( I purchased it from COSTCO Wholesale to use for cleanse/odor-free inside the house to use with oil to burn. I have not used it yet. Due I found out it is not safety for pets which we do have one homeless friendly Simease cat and two small dogs.

    I just heard and need to know the TRUE facts. What is difference between YOUNG Livings and your company, Bio Source Naturals?

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