Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Essential Oils for Confidence, Creativity and Self-Esteem

Essential Oils for Confidence, Creativity and Self-Esteem

Essential Oils for Confidence, Creativity and Self-EsteemEssential oils for confidence, creativity and self-esteem help to boost your confidence and support you living life to the fullest.* The oils you use should smell good and make you feel good when you inhale them.

Surely you’ve heard that confidence is one of the sexiest traits a man or woman can have. Confidence makes us hold our heads high, working and playing without second guessing ourselves. Confidence allows you to grab onto opportunities when they show up, without fear. Yet, so many of us continue to struggle.

Essential oils for confidence, creativity and self-esteem support a higher level of confidence by first relieving fear, stress, and tension that prevent us from living life to the fullest.*

Body Mind Courage and Clarity Lotion helps support emotional repatterning to strengthen the solar plexus chakra and support confidence and boundaries in relationships.

Essential Oils for Confidence

Cedarwood, Cypress, Sweet Fennel, Ginger, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Pine, Rosemary, and Orange.

Try a simple, citrusy confidence recipe by mixing:

10 drops Grapefruit

10 drops Orange

5 drops Bergamot

Related to confidence is self-esteem. It’s hard to take confident action if our self-esteem is low. Self-esteem – recognizing our worth and taking pride in ourselves and what we d0 – doesn’t always come easy. Focusing on self-esteem helps boost your confidence and your appreciation of yourself in general, a very important trait.

Keep in mind that essential oils won’t turn you into someone full of high self-esteem overnight, but they are a definite aid to those struggling with unhappiness and issues of self-worth.

Essential Oils for Self-Esteem*

Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Bergamot, Geranium, and Cedarwood.

Try this smoky, musky, powerful blend for self-esteem by mixing:

12 drops Sandalwood

10 drops Ylang Ylang

4 drops Bergamot

2 drops Vetiver

Remember—everyone is different and we all bring our own unique qualities and gifts to the world. You deserve to be confident so you can let your authentic self shine!

All products mentioned can be purchased below the video.

Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Fragrant Mind, New World Library, 1996

Read here to learn how essential oils can help calm fear which also may be holding you back. Also, order our *free* EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques/”tapping”) scripts that you can use with essential oils – a very powerful way to release patterns of negative thinking.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.





  • Wilma Southwood says:

    I am a beginner for essential oil this was great video

  • Lezlie says:

    Glad you enjoyed it! Lezlie will be teaching classes soon on our new membership part of Biosource Naturals, coming soon in the summer of 2018!

  • VINEVIDA says:

    Using the essential oils correctly can be a game changer to getting the ball rolling. For those who still hiding under the bed, use Ylang-Ylang; for those nervous, use Mandarin. For those who have some confidence but need a boost, use Rosemary and Lemon. Lemon can help people integrate change and break patterns for people who struggle with change and like to repeat patterns.

  • Aromachology says:

    The fact that essential oils can contribute not only to confidence but also to creativity and self-esteem is truly remarkable and worth exploring. Thank you for this enlightening and uplifting post. It’s a beautiful reminder that the power of essential oils goes beyond the sensory experience.

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