Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Blog & DIY Recipes

Crystals & How They Work*

Crystals are powerful tools that may help you find peace, happiness or healing. Crystals have been used for thousands of years to balance and align the body’s energy system. In one of several new blog articles on crystals we explore crystals and how they work.  Be sure to see Ways To Use Essential Oils & […]

18 Heavenly Vanilla Oleoresin Diffuser Recipes to Enrich Your Senses*

Vanilla oleoresin is a popular scent and a favorite to blend with other oils. Vanilla is sweet and rich and makes a great addition to any home. It’s not just the flavor of vanilla that people love, but also its aroma. Vanilla has been used for centuries as a fragrance and flavoring agent in food, […]

DIY Eye Cream Using Essential Oils*

This DIY eye cream uses essential oils to help reduce wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles, and tighten skin. Essential oils are very effective at reducing inflammation, which is a major cause of wrinkles. They also have anti-aging properties that will help to keep your skin looking young, hydrated and radiant.* DIY eye cream is easy to […]

Essential Oils For Cracked Heels

Do you walk alot?  Live in a cold, dry climate?  The result is probably heels that are constantly dry and cracked, and it’s embarrassing to wear those strappy sandals you love in the summer! Before you try to get away with not-so-pretty feet, check out this article on essential oils that can help heal your […]

Essential Oils To Help With Itching

Essential oils are being used today for many healthcare purposes. One such use of essential oils is to help get relief from itchy skin.*  There are several essential oils for itching that you can use to soothe irritated skin*. You don’t have to spend money on expensive ointments when you have essential oils that are […]

12 Ways We Do Aromatherapy Better

Biosource Naturals products have been used in holistic health practices since 2006. They were developed by our founder, naturopath, Lezlie Cebulski, in an effort to help clients naturally heal body, mind and spirit. Many of the blends, sprays and lotions were originally developed as custom blends for her holistic health clients.  Biosource Naturals was founded […]

Making Candles with Essential Oils

Making candles with essential oils can be a great way to use up your leftover wax and add some smell-good to your home. The process is pretty straightforward: You’ll need to melt down a batch of wax, add in some essential oils, then let them cool and harden.* HOWEVER, there’s one thing that you should […]

Essential Oil Blending Basics

Essential oils are a great way to scent your home and yourself. They can also be used for cleaning or beauty products. The best part about essential oils is that they’re so easy to use and the scents are long-lasting. You can even make your own blends by combining different scents together! Let’s learn how […]

Our Favorite DIY Holiday Gifts Using Essential Oils

When it’s cold outside, we love to curl up with a cozy blanket and a cup of hot tea. But when the holiday season rolls around, we like to add some extra cheer with DIY holiday gifts using essential oils. Candy Cane Bath Bombs If you want to get in the holiday spirit, try making […]

All Purpose Eco-Friendly Cleaner With Essential Oils!*

This All Purpose Eco-Friendly Cleaner With Essential Oils is a great cleaner that is safe to use in spray bottles or on rags. The combination of essential oils, vinegar, dish soap and baking soda cuts through dirt and grease without leaving behind a residue. Making your own DIY eco-friendly cleaner with essential oils is less […]

DIY Dry Shampoo With Essential Oils – Made 2 Ways

If you’ve ever been in a jam or woke up late for an appointment, you know how useful dry shampoo can be. Dry shampoo is a hair care product that involves using dry powdered ingredients (like arrowroot or corn starch) to keep your hair looking and feeling clean. Why add essential oils to your dry […]