Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Pure Essential Oils, Absolutes, Resins Descriptions, Uses & Sourcing

Wormwood Essential Oil

Wormwood Essential Oil Properties (Artmesia absinthium)

Wormwood essential oil has many health properties, such as deodorant, digestive, narcotic, tonic, insecticide, and more. That means that wormwood is great for use as a deodorant, a digestive, detoxing, stimulating menstrual cycles, ridding of cramps, aches, nausea, and fatigue. Plus it works as a great insect repellent. Historically, it was used to expel parasitic worms from the intestines, and remains a great health aid to this day.

Wormwood Essential Oil Odor


Wormwood Essential Oil Source

The essential oil of wormwood is extracted by steam distilled from the leaves, twigs, and flowering tops of the plants.

Wormwood Essential Oil Suggestions

Blends well with lavender, jasmine, and orange.

Wormwood Essential Oil Cautions

Due to its potency, narcotic side effects, and how addictive it can be, use in small doses and not for extended periods of time.

Do not use while pregnant or nursing. If you have had a history of health problems, consult your physician before use.

BioSource Naturals’ Wormwood Essential Oil

Essential OilWormwood
Botanical NameArtmesia absinthium