Essential oils for fever can be one of the many ways to increase comfort and help support healing during a cold, flu or fever.* For a mild fever that does not have an infection as the cause or requires antibiotics, there are essential oils to give comfort until the fever breaks.
Ginger root essential oil and peppermint essential oil both make great compresses.
Ginger root is especially effective for reducing fever and inflammation.* Peppermint cools the body and has been used traditionally to help reduce fever.*
Ginger root and peppermint compresses should be combined with viral support such as liquids and rest. You can also dilute essential oils in a diffuser for comfort.
If a fever or other symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
See our references at the bottom of this page for additional information.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.