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Pure Aromatherapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Essential Oils for ADHD and Attention Deficit

Focus Essential Oil Blend Supports Balanced Energy and Focus

Essential Oils for ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder - ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

It is estimated that several million American children have ADD & ADHD which includes symptoms of inattention, impulsivity,  and hyperactivity. There are several prescription drugs available to control the symptoms of ADD & ADHD.  Research over the past 30 years by holistic M.D., Dr. Terry Friedmann has found that essential oils by inhalation have helped ADHD children. Essential oils are some of the few substances which cross the blood-brain barrier and can directly heal the brain.

Balance and Calm the Mind – Focus Essential Oil Blend

Focus Essential Oil Blend helps to balance the mind with calm attention.  This blend contains key therapeutic grade essential oils which are energy balancers.* Focus Essential Oil Blend helps to clear emotional patterns of:

  • Lack of confidence
  • Scattered thought and inability to focus, stay on task
  • Obsessive thought patterns (on one thought)
  • Inability to give full attention to a task
  • Excitability, tension
  • May help ADHD behavior

Focus Essential Oil Blend contains a proprietary blend of vetiver, french lavender, cedarwood, ylang ylang, patchouli cablin, tangerine, lemon, ginger root, sandalwood, nutmeg, melissa, frankincense, and cinnamon leaf.

Studies have shown diffusing vetiver, cedarwood and lavender have improved attention span in test subjects 65-100%. Ylang ylang, ginger root, sandalwood, patchouli, nutmeg have calming, grounding properties emotionally and physically. Lemon, tangerine, cinnamon leaf, melissa enhance focus by gently stimulating the mind. Frankincense enhances self-esteem.*

See our references at the bottom of this page for additional information.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

Focus Essential Oil Blend is packaged in a concentrate for diffusing, roll on (already diluted and ready to apply to the skin), spray (spray in the room or directly on the person).

Focus Essential Oil Blend Safety Tips

  • Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
  • Avoid use on hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin, children under 6 years of age.
  • Phototoxic, so avoid using it when exposed to sunlight 12 hours prior to topical application.
  • For external use only.  See our Safety Information page for further details when using essential oils.

*These products and the statements used to describe them have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions. Please contact your primary healthcare provider before using these products to treat any medical conditions. Essential oils are for external use only and should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Other Helpful Essential Oil Blends for ADD & ADHD

Grounding Essential Oil Blend Concentrate

Grounding Essential Oil Blend is helpful for emotional steadiness.^  Available in a concentrate for diffusing, roll on (already diluted and ready to apply to the skin) or spray (spray in the room or directly on the person).

Grounding Essential Oil Blend Safety Tips

  • Do not use if pregnant, have epilepsy, or have high blood pressure.
  • Can be a mild skin irritant for those who are allergy prone.
  • For external use only. See our Safety Information page for further details when using essential oils.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

Memory Essential Oil Blend Concentrate

Great for studying! Contains Rosemary and other essential oils shown to improve memory and concentration.

Diffuse the concentrate while studying. Great for burning in an aroma lamp.  Available in a roll on and spray.

Memory Essential Oil Blend Safety Tips

  • Do not use if pregnant.
  • Not for children under 6 years of age or the elderly.
  • Avoid sunlight after applying to skin (slightly phototoxic)..
  • Avoid on hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin.
  • If you have health problems (high blood pressure, epileptic, acute urinary tract disease) consult your physician before use.
  • For external use only.  See our Safety Information page for further details when using essential oils.

*Memory Essential Oil Blend is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Additional Helpful Biosource Products for ADD & ADHD

Body Mind Courage and Clarity Lotion with Bach Flower Essences, Pure Essential Oils & Gem ElixirsBody Mind Courage and Clarity Lotion with Bach Flower Essences, Pure Essential Oils & Gem Elixirs

Body Mind Courage and Clarity Lotion helps support emotional repatterning to strengthen the solar plexus chakra and support confidence and boundaries in relationships. It was formulated to support the following chakras and meridians:

Chakra:  Solar Plexus

Meridians: Spleen & Stomach

Details: An artisan clean, warm, and slightly citrus essential oil scented organic lotion made with Bach Flower Essences of larch, beech, vervain, gorse, and gentian. Contains pure essential oils of ginger root, frankincense, and myrrh; gem elixir of tourmaline. Colored charged for healing energy.  Reiki charged. Helpful to energetically release emotional patterns which include:*

  • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
  • Worry about the future
  • Obsessive thought patterns
  • Mood swings
  • Oversensitivity to criticism
  • Attempt to “fix” people and their problems
  • Concerned about how other people see you
  • Boundary issues Codependent relationship patterns

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

Lavender Kissable Massage Oil

This massage oil is relaxing, calming and balancing. Lavender Kissable Massage Oil is created with a harmonious blend of sunflower oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, and French lavender essential oil.  The properties found within these oils condition and soften skin while providing minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Lavender Vanilla Massage Kissable Oil

A natural oil base containing Sunflower Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil and Sweet Almond Oil with pure French Lavender essential oil and Vanilla Infusion 35 Fold. Calming and energy balancing with vanilla sweetness.* This exquisite formula allows hands to glide over the skin and achieve deep penetration. The properties found within these oils condition and soften skin while providing minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Relaxing Kissable Massage Oil

This massage oil uses a blend of  therapeutic essential oils of  lavender, tangerine, rose and orange essential oils.* Our massage oils are created with a harmonious blend of Sunflower, Apricot Kernel and Sweet Almond Oil. This exquisite formula allows hands to glide over the skin and achieve deep penetration. The properties found within these oils condition and soften skin while providing minerals, vitamins and proteins.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

What People are Saying About Focus Essential Oil Blend for ADHD

“I got this for my 4 year old son that could run circles around the energizer bunny. If his mind and body aren’t kept busy and challenged, he goes stir crazy. He was having a difficult time in aftercare because of just that problem. I was literally in tears because I didn’t know what else to do. So…I started to search for natural remedies to help him out and I came across this essential oil blend. I went on as well as researched many scholarly articles regarding the clinical trials done on various essential oils and their efficacy. Every claim listed by Bio Source Naturals is actually true.

I tried it out on my son yesterday, which was a great way for me to see exactly how well it did or didn’t work because he stayed at home with me. I was amazed and shocked at how good this worked to help him focus and tapper down that abundant energy of his. This morning, as I sent him to school, I applied some more and hoped for the best. When I picked him up, two of the teachers commented at how good he was today. He truly had a remarkable day, which hasn’t happened since he started school.

I was skeptical buying this because I swore there was nothing in the world that could tame the fire within my little man. Needless to say, after verifying the claims listed on here with some research, I gave it a try. I couldn’t be happier with the results. Definitely plan on buying this again! Thank you Bio Source Naturals!” – L.

“This product (Focus) has helped my 5 year old and myself…thank you for selling such a great product. Unfortunately our last bottle broke so we did not get to use the full product…however a few weeks of this product has shown us how well it works. Thank you!” Michelle L.

“This stuff smells wonderful… and if it smells good it’s more likely to be worn for the purpose it serves. :)” S.R.

“So far so good. Been a week since we started on my son.” – TB

“This is a really nice blend. Very soothing. It feels and smells pure to me. I have tried Young Living oils and to me this is just as nice” – H. Smiles

“Love this stuff! Will order more in the future, thank you.” – JP

“The oil is wonderful, it helps my autistic daughter focus in school.” – DH

“Very fast. I was very questionable about this product. I asked around about it and everyone that I asked gave me good feedback on it, and truth is it so far has worked great on our son. We put it on his feet before school and he’s done so much better already in school and the teachers have said something to us. So I have ordered 2 more bottles of it just to make sure we have it on hand. Thank you.” – Vicki

“We use this every morning. I was so happy to get a call from the teacher saying he was not falling out of his seat.. He has been getting M’s these last few weeks. It works wonders.” L. Hammond

“My son says it helps him at school and that’s what we hoped for! Has a nice smell. Will order again. Am sharing this bottle with other friends to see if it helps their kids!” – S. Johnson

“Arrived sooner than I thought it would. Works well. Helps my hyper kids to calm down.” – J. Wright

“The first day my son used this at school his teacher came to speak to me at dismissal – to tell me what an amazing day my son had, how focused and attentive he was. Such a relief! My son is an ASD kid who does well academically but struggles with focus, staying on track and planning/organizing his day. Definitely purchasing again – thank you for the stress relief for both of us!” T. Stranza

Reviews and testimonials reflect the individual reviewer’s results only. Product results may vary based on the user and no guarantee of results are implied.

Past Research

In past research it was found that the use of one oil aromatically 3 times per day for a month was very healing and beneficial. It is thought that the inhalation of the essential oils settled the children’s brain waves back to normal patterns and thereby improved scholastic performance and behavioral patterns of ADD Attention Deficit. Lavender increased performance by 53% of ADD Attention Deficit and ADHD. Cedarwood increased performance by 83%. Vetiver essential oil increased performance by 100%.

Massaging vetiver on the bottom of 2 big toes which are the brain reflexology points is recommended to help control impulses for ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In brain scans, vetiver was found to be the most effective showing improvements in 100% of subjects. Cedarwood essential oil was 83% effective, and lavender 60%.

DIY Essential Oil Blend for ADHD & ADD Support

Diffuse one oil at a time per month, adding 10-12 drops per diffuser (3 times per day). 

  • Vetiver: Add 1-2 drops of vetiver essential oil with 8-9 drops of carrier oil and massage into big toes.
  • Lavender essential oil:  Massage 2 drops of lavender with 8 drops of carrier oil on the child’s feet, shoulders or chest. This can help them relax and sleep more easily.  Lavender is not only an essential oil which is calming but also an energy balancer. 
  • Cedarwood essential oil:  Cedarwood is considered a holy healing oils in the Christian tradition. It is high in sesquiterpenes, the chemical compounds which stimulate brain function and mental synergy. This oil can be applied on the forehead and neck, inhaled, and massaged on the brain stem at the base of the skull. Remember to skin patch test first on the inside of the arm before using.  Also cut the essential oil with a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil-about 2 drops of cedarwood essential oil to 8 drops of sweet almond oil.

Helpful Tips For ADD Attention Deficit Disorder & ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Remove from the diet, sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup.  Be sure the child is hydrated.  Protein at breakfast is important to maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. 


Pure Essential Oils – Therapeutic Kit of 45 – 0.5 oz (15 ml)

Set of 45 pure essential oils, all packaged in 0.5 ounce (15 ml) amber bottles with Euro plugs. No droppers required. Get 50% more with our 15 ml bottles than the 10 ml bottles of other brands!

Perfect for a home remedy kit or for practitioners.

All products are 100% pure essential oils, first distillation, suitable for therapeutic purposes.

Priced at a discount for the package.